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Street Outreach

We take the time to get to know the women we serve during street outreaches, where we provide shampoo, conditioner, feminine hygiene supplies and other basic necessities of life.

But what is outreach exactly?

It’s when an agency goes “out” into the street to “reach” their target population instead of having people come to their offices.​

Outreach is the main way we reach women on the street.


Since we don't offer services like housing, behavioral health and rehab ourselves, we refer the women to other agencies and nonprofits.

At the moment when outreach groups like ours do a referral — for things such as housing, mental health or rehab  — one of two things happens:

  1. We call the next agency(s) we are sending them to and try to find a spot for the client

  2. We give the client the name of the next agency and have them call


Neither of these work well for several different reasons, many of which I'm sure you can guess.


This is part of what Asur is trying to fix.


There has to be a better way to do this, one that includes a "warm" handoff to another agency or, at the very least, giving the client a complete "flow chart" of what needs to happen.


Long story short, we don't know what a "good referral" looks like yet. But we are trying.

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