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We believe in transparency. We believe you should know what we are up. We believe in providing information about ourselves and our efforts so you have all the facts, especially if you are one of the women we serve or a donor.

(we also believe in being very silly, but that's not really relevant right now.)

Calendar Pages

Week in Review

JUNE 9-15, 2024 — Thursday Hot-weather outreach: 150 people, Friday outreaches: 80 people * Monday and Tuesday — Coordinated help for several trafficking victims remotely via text and phone calls; wrote two grants asking for hot-weather-related supplies, which took a really long time! * Wednesday — Went to monthly Networking Meeting and connected with our sister nonprofits about coordinating our hot weather response * Thursday — Another 100-degree day. Spent about 2 hours packing up supplies for both that day’s outreach and Friday’s. Started hot-weather outreach at Coors/I-40, and gave out Gatorade, kindly given to us by A Light in the Night. While there, we noticed about 50-75% of the 25 people we helped had xylazine skin. Gave out wound care kits for those. Then went to War Zone. Had heat stroke case but was able to get her up and about. * Friday — Chaos ensued during four hours of street outreach. I-40 was closed in multiple areas so we couldn’t go to Coors. We stayed in the War Zone, and the cops were everywhere arresting people, street lights were out, it sort of rained and then the temperature dropped.

JUNE 2-8, 2024 — Thursday hot weather outreach: 120 people, Thursday hot weather outreach: 90 people * Monday — Had a ride-along training with new volunteers. Did a little accidental outreach outside a Circle K with about 5 women. * Tuesday — Brought supplies to three trafficking victims still on the street * Wednesday — Hosted a meeting of the Working Group, which is a part of the New Mexico Human Trafficking Task Force. At that meeting, we discussed the AI-powered Resource Guide for trafficking providers currently being worked on. * Thursday — Did a presentation at the International District Public Library titled “The lives of women on the street.” It hit 101 degrees, so we did our first hot-weather outreach where we handed out 120 bottles of water and had about a dozen minor dehydration cases that we fixed by giving Gatorade — aka electrolytes * Friday — It was 99 degrees, so we did another hot-weather outreach and called 911 for our first heat stroke. The man was clammy, dizzy, and had stopped sweating. But most noticeably his face was bright red, but not from sunburn (he was wearing a hat). That meant his body was so hot, it was pushing blood toward the surface of his skin to cool it down, making the skin look bright red.


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